First Post

 ·  ☕ 1 min read

Initial Blog Overview

This is the first of (hopefully) many blog posts.

There are a number of different topics I want to write about, including:

  • The Interesting Bits: This series will cover interesting findings around software and development. It could be a little known feature or a bug. It could be a process that I didn’t know about. Whatever it is, you might already know about it but when I learnt of it, I thought it was interesting.
  • Garden Shed: For all my tools. This is where I might publish tools, scripts, apps etc.
  • Man pages: Guides, How-tos, and other useful information.
  • Incoming Transmission: Detailing events during my travels and going about life.
  • Metadata: Blog posts about the blog itself or the website in general.
  • Psuedorandom Words: Odd bits and pieces.

I am still experimenting and I don’t doubt that the format could change, be it the visual theme, the structure or naming of the blog posts and most importantly my writing skills.

Kieran Goldsworthy
Kieran Goldsworthy
Cloud Engineer and Architect